Saturday, April 25, 2015

Final Blog - Consequences of learning

Over the course of the last eight weeks, I have learned a lot about early childhood education.  Especially the impact that poverty, language barriers, teacher readiness and family have on the impact of high quality education for children and early childhood educational programs.  Therefore, I believe it has been very helpful and productive for me to obtain international resources. Three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for my professional and personal development is; First, I have developed an overall passion for children around the globe as opposed to my immediate community.  Secondly, it has broaden my views on the severity of the issues related to early childhood education. Lastly I have learned to appreciate and be humble to the abilities that were afforded to me as a female to be able to go to school as a child and as a grown up as I have often taken it for granted while you females around the globe are dying and getting hurt for the right to try to get a grade school education.  You never realize how easy you have it until you meet someone who doesn’t have what you have.

One goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations is to actually make contact with an international contact that is an advocate for female rights and help aid in the fight for girls to be afforded the right to an education and job.


1 comment:

  1. Neketha, thank you for sharing your new appreciation for how good we have it here. I've come to the same conclusion -- it is so easy to get wrapped up in our own issues and forget what girls and women around the world are dealing. Thank you so much for sharing the past eight weeks!
