Saturday, July 25, 2015

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

One example of a microaggression that I detected/experienced this week was, I recently got my hair braided and at work everyone that is either Caucasian or Spanish American always seem to ask if they can touch my hair, can I was it, how long will it stay up there and how long does it take Yall( black women) to get the hair braided?
When I observed the microagression, I thought to myself, I know my co-workers don’t really mean any harm but, I am so tired of the racially center questions about hair. My observation this week affected my perception of the effects of discrimination,prejudice, and/or stereotypes on people be allowing me to realize how something not menat to hurt a person can, how no matter how old or young you are no matter how you might think you are not affected by it, we can and might become a victim of racism even if it by an un intended microagression.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

In the world that we live in, everyone has their own opinion and interests. Therefore, when trying to get a better understanding or different viewpoint on a subject/topic of interest; an especially effective method to deepen one’s grasp of any topic to listen to and then reflect on the ideas of others. I spoke with three different people and their viewpoints that I received about the definition of culture were, culture is one’s upbringing, culture is one’s value and belief system, and culture is variations of traditions in families.  These same three individuals when asked, said, diversity is change, diversity is one’s indifferences, and diversity is the various deviations in religions, ethnicities, and social economics. The aspects of culture and diversity that I studied in this course that are included in the answers I received from the three individuals that I interviewed were change and different religions, ethnicities, and economic status. I don’t think any aspects have been omitted from the aspects that I have learned thus far and the aspects that the three individuals have discussed when I interviewed them.  The three individuals thoughts about culture and diversity have given me a deeper thought on how my upbringing relates to my culture and diversity and how I respond to diversity overall. This blog assignment has mostly given me a different outlook on how I view individuals that I know and considered a friend.  For example, I have a Hispanic friend that is younger than me and does not have children, we work in a predominantly African American environment, grew up during to different eras, households, economic back grounds, and religions, yet share the same economic and social beliefs. Brenda might be 26, Hispanic, Catholic, younger, and single without children; yet, she still believes in respecting individuals no matter their age, going to church, loves eating sweets, and dining out. Therefore, I have learned the visual indifferences sometimes blind us from the similarities that we share with others in our world of diversity.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

My Family Culture

My Family Culture

On the news, I often hear about major catastrophes around the world all the time.  But, I never consider what I would do if possibly impacted by one. A major catastrophe has almost completely devastated the infrastructure of my country. Therefore, the government emergency agency has decided to evacuate the citizens to other countries for their best interest. Luckily for me and my family that we were chosen among the surviving citizens to evacuate to another country.  This event will be one that is bitter sweet because, I am happy that my family is alive and well; bitter, because we are leaving behind a life that is of comfort and familiarity. We have been informed that we will be able to take a change of clothing and three small items/keepsakes. It is important that we evacuate soon.  So, the three items that I have decided to take are my first bible that was given to me when I was a baby, my cellular phone, and a family photo album. I have choose  my first bible because it was dedicated to me as a baby and has information in it about my family tree,  I chose the photo album  to visualize and remember my family members when I am feeling down and home sick. Lastly, I chose my cell phone because technology will allow me to listen to music, reach out to, locate, or keep in touch with some family members and friends that have been evacuated to a different country than me and my immediate family.  Because, I realize that every country has its own rules, regulations, believes/cultures, and I am both happy and respectful that the country has chosen to help me and my immediate family during this catastrophe that, I am not angry when arriving to the new country and being told that I must only keep one of the three items.  The one item that I have chosen to keep is my cellular phone because, its technology will allow me to reach out to, locate, and possibly talk to other family members and friends, it will also allow me to search the internet for my family tree if necessary, and I may utilize my phone to look at stored pictures or search the “Facebook” for family photos if I am feeling lonely and homesick.