Wednesday, September 10, 2014

NP Blog Asgn2 WK2

"The Three Little Pigs" is the title of one of my favorite children's books.
 I like the three little pigs because it tells the journey of three children in the adolescences and their journey to leave home for the first time, while experiencing multiple obstacles and uniting with the one thing that means the most and defined who they were to begin with; one another(family).

A quote that has always stuck in my head with assisting the children in my neighbor hood and with my own son is, "It takes a Village to raise a Child".  I think that if everyone stop sitting by and ignoring the things that mean the most, we would have a better tomorrow and save lots of children.  Often times people choose to not get involved yet, their small act of kindness or attempt to reach out could truly impact the lives of many children.  Everyone in the village (neighbors, church members, teachers, community leaders and etc...) should help raise the children around them...

We are usually so busy with day to day activities that we forget to stop and smell or pick a rose.  Meanwhile their are others struggling to even see the roses.  A story about a child that has recently touched my heart is a young Texas child's journey to see as much as possible prior to losing his eyesight.  see link for further information on the story :


  1. I agree with you wholeheartedly when you say it takes a village to raise a child. It seem to me that their are more people complaining about the problems with the children within the community rather than actively trying to become part of the solution. Sometimes, we become so engulfed with our personal lives that we don't bother to get involved in our communities.

  2. Had I not read TJuanas comment I would have typed nearly the same thing! I agree with both of you! We need to start rallying around each other instead of pointing fingers! After I am finished with this program I hope to help empower parents that have lost their confidence in their ability to raise their children or that may not know what resources are available to them. People are so quick to point the finger, rather than share our strengths and resources with others.
