Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Introduction

Hello to all, of you again, it’s me Neketha Polley.  I recently joined the MECS because, I was tired of being stuck in what I felt was “just a job”.  I have worked at the same job for the last nine years (10 in February 2015), and I was going to work day after day with a headache and knowing that someone was going to argue, the boss would ask me to do stuff and not appreciate of give me credit for my work.  I had become tired of not having the utilize all of my skills and doing only what they deemed I was capable of doing because off office or corporate politics.  It was not until about 10 months ago that I really started to realize that I had become complacent and unmotivated in my position.  Then after continuing to be overlooked for positions, watching other colleagues be laid off after 15 plus years of service (because their jobs were being outsourced to India), I realized that I, much like them had been loyal to a company that did not care about me, the missed family events, the time I came to work sick to ensure that deadlines were met or anything else but their financial bottom line.  So, once I started to have back pain and my doctor told me that I needed to take some time off, I thought, this is my time to work towards making a change.

Here I am enrolled in the MECS program a few months after receiving my BA in Criminal Justice and it feels great.  I spent all summer at home with my son and I realized that other children much like mine, needed structure, love, and that one on one that they do not get during the day while their parents are at work or other teachers are too busy and just working to obtain a check.  I am here and this is my opportunity to make a difference.  I am so glad that God gives us the power of divine intervention because, I told myself that I would obtain a degree in Criminal Justice and make a change in the world, while all the time my change in the world was meant to happen in the lives of young people to help impact their lives and possibly prevent them from later being caught up in the horrible life of the criminal justice system.  Please allow me to continue to be a part of your journey through your MECS while exploring my own journey.  I continue to look forward to all of your ideas and networking opportunities that you all have to offer our team.


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