Saturday, February 6, 2016

Evaluating Impacts on Professional Practice Week 5

As I have learned throughout my coursework in the program and life experiences, it is truly impossible to separate my personal self from my professional identity especially with regard to issues and thinking related to diversity. However, as a professional, it is imperative that I must be able to differentiate my feelings from my work relationships as it is my job to teach and guide the children in learning.  I must keep a clear aspect of my purpose which is to teach and make a difference in the lives of children and their families.  Therefore, I must be able to differentiate between my personal biases and emotions for the greater goal of the children. “To form a caring learning community where all children can learn and thrive means forging a working partnership based on what families wish for their child and what you believe is important for children” (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011. pg. 39). I always think that facing/confronting the problem head on is a vital part of solving the problem.


Laureate Education, Inc., (2011).  Strategies for working with diverse children: Building on children's strength.  Baltimore, MD: Author

1 comment:

  1. Neketha,
    beautiful, I must also keep reminding myself of this very often. My personal opinions have been coming out a lot lately with one students who has been very violent lately. He get rewarded with Ipad time but can kick, bite, spit, and swear at his helpers and there is no loss of rewards. I still question the world of making children really responsible no matter what. My personal thinking-this does not mesh with academia now and I just want kids to kids.
