Saturday, July 25, 2015

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

One example of a microaggression that I detected/experienced this week was, I recently got my hair braided and at work everyone that is either Caucasian or Spanish American always seem to ask if they can touch my hair, can I was it, how long will it stay up there and how long does it take Yall( black women) to get the hair braided?
When I observed the microagression, I thought to myself, I know my co-workers don’t really mean any harm but, I am so tired of the racially center questions about hair. My observation this week affected my perception of the effects of discrimination,prejudice, and/or stereotypes on people be allowing me to realize how something not menat to hurt a person can, how no matter how old or young you are no matter how you might think you are not affected by it, we can and might become a victim of racism even if it by an un intended microagression.

1 comment:

  1. Great post and nice hairstyle! We both talked about hair as it comes to microaggressions. I wear my hair in it's natural state and the only thing that insults me right now is those that feel as if they can "fix" me. In my example, I know the young lady didn't mean any harm when she said she wanted to flat iron my hair but it insulted me because it was my decision to transition and not to use any more heat in my hair. Thanks for sharing and all I can say is that these type of comments/microaggressions may never stop, but we need to know how to respond correctly.
